The easiest way to make money online is to create and sell
short 10 to 12 page reports/ebooks.

Here are the steps to getting your report written and sold.

Choose a market, create small reports or ebooks to sell to them
and cash in with your own money-making information business.

Find a problem people are having and that they are
willing to pay for the solution to it.

Go to Amazon, forums and Quora to find problems.

Once you know what people are willing to pay for you must provide
the solution to that problem.

You can also find the solution on Google, in forums and books.
First outline the solution and then fill in the blanks with
your own words.

Don’t get carried away you are solving —

One problem One solution.

Once you have the solution outline the steps to solving the problem.

Use images, graphs, white space, pictures etc. It doesn’t have
to be all words.

Write using Word convert to a PDF add a cover and you have an eBook
to sell.

Use to create your cover.

Sell on your website with a salesletter and using PayPal.
Or, if you don’t have a website use eJunkie.

If you want more instruction on creating short, easy to sell
reports check out my course The Easy PDF Formula.
(It only cost $11.95)

It is important to start today. If you donโ€™t start now, you never will.
Itโ€™s easier now to make a living online than ever before.
Iโ€™ll show you exactly how in the Easy PDF Formula

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Here is the video review and look at the dashboard ofย  The Easy PDF Formula.


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